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In the News
My research that showed up on the news through out the years.
First Images of the Galactic Center Black Hole (EHT’s First Result on Sgr A*)
- ‘Astronomers Reveal First Image of the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy’ EHT Website, NSF, ESO, MPIfR, phys.org, Science Daily
- ‘UArizona astronomers lead efforts that reveal the black hole at the heart of our galaxy’ 2022/05/12 UA News
- “Black hole scientist: ‘Wherever we look, we should see donuts’” 2022/05/12 UA News; 2022/05/13 phys.org
- ‘Making sense of the nonsensical: Black holes and the simulation library’ 2022/05/12 UA News CyVerse
- ‘High-throughput computing as an enabler of black hole science’ 2022/05/12 OSG
- ‘First image of the beastly black hole at the heart of our galaxy’ 2022/05/12 TACC
- ‘University of Arizona researchers were key in creation of Milky Way black hole image. Here’s how they did it’ 2022/05/12 AZCentral
- ‘Black hole at center of Milky Way imaged for first time’ 2022/05/12 Astronomy
- ‘Astronomers reveal first image of black hole at Milky Way’s centre’ 2022/05/13 SCMP
- ‘銀河系中心全新視覺 超大質量黑洞照片曝光’ 2022/05/13 星島日報
- ‘全球首張銀河系中心超級黑洞影像曝光 中大成港唯一參與研究院校’ 2022/05/26 星島日報
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- ‘UA researchers among 347 winners of $3 million prize’ 2019/09/10 Tucson Weekly, Inside Tucson Business
- ‘UA researchers receive “Oscar of Science” award for the first image of a black hole’ 2019/09/09 Tucson.com
- ‘$3M Breakthrough Prize Goes to Black Hole Hunters Including UA Astrophysicists’ 2019/09/05 UA News
- ‘UA researchers earn Oscar of Science for first-ever black hole’ 2019/09/05 KOLD News 13
- ‘Winners of the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics Announced’ 2019/09/05 Breakthrough Prize
Lemon Labs
- ‘Lemons to Lemonade: At UA-TRIPODS+X Workshop Researchers Share Valuable Lessons from Failures’ 2019/05/29 UA-TRIPODS
First Black Hole Images (EHT’s First Result on M87*)
- ‘NumFOCUS tools help create the first ever image of a black hole’ 2019/10/04 NumFOCUS
- ‘Google Cloud Platform supports international effort to produce first-ever image of a black hole’ 2019/07/16 Google
- 『科研人物:港產天文學家有份影黑洞』 2019/05/11 蘋果日報, 果籽
- ‘Supercomputers at UT Austin Make Black Hole Journey Possible’ 2019/04/23 Campus Technology
- 『一年前就有了黑洞「真容」』 2019/04/22 广州日报, 凤凰网, 新浪科技, 每日頭條
- 『人類首張黑洞照片 港人天文學家助講解』 2019/04/21 東方日報
- 『黑洞之謎』 2019/04/19 香港天文台 HKO
- ‘University of Arizona researchers revel as first photo of black hole unveiled’ 2019/04/17 Arizona PBS, Arizona Daily Independent, Tucson Sentinel
- ‘University of Arizona helps capture first image of a black hole’ 2019/04/17 Tucson Local Media
- 『天文史上黑洞首照片 印證相對論』 1029/04/16 都市日報
- 『港人參與攝黑洞 由石圍角圖書館 走向5500萬光年』 2019/04/14 明報 a, b, c
- 『由公屋小子到黑洞照片功臣』 2019/04/13 Business Digest 人物專訪
- ‘The Internet Couldn’t Handle All the Data From the First Black Hole Photo’ 2019/04/13 Inverse.com
- 『寫程式過濾雜訊 女科學家助還原黑洞照』 2019/04/12 明報
- ‘Data Science Fellow has a Hand in the First Image of a Black Hole’ 2019/04/12 Data Science Institute
- ‘Peeling back the darkness of M87’ 2019/04/12 TACC; 2019/04/15 Eurek Alert
- ‘TACC’s supercomputers play role in Event Horizon Telescope’s first-ever black hole image’ 2019/04/12 Primeur Magazine
- 『华人天文学家陈志均参与黑洞照科研展述更多拍摄背后工作』 2019/04/11 僑報網; 2019/04/12 中国新闻网, 新浪科技, 2019/04/13 每日頭條
- ‘Astronomers Reveal 3 Things the Historic Black Hole Photo Confirms About Space’ 2019/04/11 Inverse.com
- ‘UA well represented on global team that released first photos of a black hole’ 2019/04/11 Tucson.com
- ‘University of Arizona Researchers Revel As Black Hole Photo Shown’ 2019/04/11 Patch.com
- ‘21 UA Students Contributed to Global Effort Resulting in First Black Hole Image’ 2019/04/11 UA Science
- 『黑洞首張照片:港人天文學家參與 綜合數據成圖像助解星系演化』 2019/04/10 香港 01
- 『黑洞真實影像首公開』 2019/04/10 有線新聞 i-Cable News
- ‘CyVerse Community Member and Astrophysicist Helps Lead Event Horizon Telescope Data Processing’ 2019/04/10 CyVerse
- ‘Chasing Einstein’s Shadow: UA Helps Capture First Image of a Black Hole’ 2019/04/10 UA News; 2019/04/11 Association of American Universities
- ‘A Whirlpool of Space and Time: Black Holes and Tomorrow’s Big Data’ 2019/04/10 UA News
- ‘The Very First Image Of A Black Hole’ 2019/04/10 Science Friday
- ‘The First-Ever Picture of a Black Hole is Fuzzy. These Incredible Illustrations Help Explain What It Shows’ 2019/04/10 Business Insider
- ‘Scientists Reveal the First Picture of a Black Hole’ 2019/04/10 WIRED
- ‘Will the EHT’s First Black Hole Image Look Like Interstellar’s “Gargantua”?’ 2019/04/09 AstroEngine
- ‘Event Horizon Telescope Image: An Interesting Nothingness?’ 2019/04/06 Science 2.0
Black Hole PIRE Launch Event
- ‘UA Leads Project on Big Data and Black Holes’ 2018/02/21 UA News, Arizona Alumni Association
- ‘UA Focused on Project to Get First Images of Black Holes’ 2018/02/15 Arizona Public Media
The Black Hole Test
- ‘Does Einstein’s Theory of Gravity Hold Near Black Holes?’ 2015/09/01 Scientific American, 科學人雜誌
GPU-Accelerated General Relativistic Ray Tracing
Condensation in Two-Dimensional Turbulence
- ‘Dynamics of saturated energy condensation in two-dimensional turbulence’ 2012/03/28 Physics Review E Kaleidoscope, Backreaction